Who’s That Girl? Is that You?

This is a letter addressed to ‘That girl’ in you, you’ve always wanted to become.

Dear ‘That Girl’,

This is for you-
“She who is brave is free.”

It may be blunt to you if I say.. ‘’Please stay out of the man-made rules and superstitions that control
your freedom”. As blunt as it may sound, but it’s candid. You will connect yourself to this hard truth,
that still in the present epoch, a girl is asked to sacrifice something she loves. In fact many things! A girl
is asked to be someone who she is not. Her dreams are controlled, tweaked, and killed by others. Many
a times in life, a girl gets to hear statements like, “You aren’t supposed to do that, you’re a girl”, “Stay
out of it. It’s not your cup of tea. It’s a man’s job”, “This career isn’t meant for you”, “Leave everything
and get married”, “Do not wear this, it’s against our family values”… and what not..
Have you ever felt victimized by these questions? Share your experiences in the comments below if you
ever have felt so. But before that, there is something for you that you would love to read.


Well, dear girl, let me remind you, “You get in life what you ask for”. These are wonderful words by
Oprah Winfrey. Isn’t she the best example of ‘that confident girl’ in her? Then why not you become

Set an example and never give up. There will still be many people doubting your abilities and crushing
your dreams. Don’t worry. A broken mirror can always be replaced by a new one. Likewise, your crushed
and broken dreams, thoughts and goals can be healed, repaired, and replaced by your own new
thoughts through courage and bravery.

You dream, you fantasize, you act, you perform, you get encouraged and discouraged at certain times. You break, you fall, you give up at times. You get up, you fight sometimes, sometimes not. But don’t forget what you’ve always wanted to become. Law of attraction does work! Visualize your dreams again, picture them, draw them on a sheet of paper, listen to your dreams, act on them, YOU WILL GET THERE.

Dear beautiful girl, you are a seeking soul, a brave, boundless and an inspiring human, who, if given a chance, can transform anything to everything beautifully. You’ve already come a long way, trying hard
for your rights, your dreams and your goals. You have already been so brave. But there’s more to it.


Feed yourself with –

  • Willingness
  • Forgiveness for self mistakes
  • Forgiveness towards others
  • Acceptance
  • Belief
  • Positive Conviction
  • Never giving up attitude
  • Constant reminding of ‘that winning girl’ in you.

Do you think you can take chances to let things work for you?

Make your mind to just be willing. That’s the first step. Once you’re upto it, let that change happen. Trust yourself and forgive yourself for your past mistakes. You’re not alone. You are far braver than
you’ve ever imagined. Sooner or later, it will all make sense to you and your life. Your existence on this earth is for something exceptional. Sometimes decisions are hard. It’s completely okay.

Ask yourself: “What am I pretending not to know?” You will find all your solutions. Accept what’s happening in your
life and stop escaping from your true self. Be who you are. People can’t drag you to become something else. Stay convinced by your ideas. Only then can you convince others. Don’t look for validation from others. But value and seek genuine advises. Don’t get carried away. Trust your gut. You are ‘that caring girl’, ’that strong girl’, ‘that innocent girl’, ‘that smart and powerful girl’, ‘that expressive girl’, ‘that happy girl’, ‘that striving and never giving up girl’, you are all that makes you so beautiful human at heart. So why letting yourself feel low when you actually can do wonders with so much good in you? You don’t need to belittle your own potentials.

Be ‘that girl’ who is hidden inside you, trying to break free the cocoon and is willing to fly. Our greatest teachers often come from difficult people, painful experiences, tragic accidents, devastating illness, confusing losses and big time disappointments. Know that this is all temporary. Forget, forgive and let go off these disappointments. Your courage and confidence can wake up your potential. Take breaks when exhausted. But do not stop. That’s the girl you want to be; or you already are hidden inside you.

Empower yourself and make your life joyful.

Are you that brave and empowered girl? Ponder again. Last but not the least, remember, little girls with dreams become women with vision. Design your own destiny. Girl, you are so much loved.

Love from
‘That Girl’ who would love to see you grow happy  🙂

Written by- Sonam Parnami
Image Coach, Body Language & Etiquette Expert

The New Mirror Image Consulting

Facebook- @Sonam.Parnami

Instagram- @thenewmirror

Twitter- @Sonam_Parnami

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