International Women’s Day, which commemorates the movement of women’s rights, is celebrated on March 8 annually.
This day highlights the struggle led by the women to free themselves from the shackls of norms of the patriarchal society. It celebrates the struggle by women for equality and the right to live a dignified life. It serves as a remainder for people to standup for the equality and freedom of women and acknowledge their contribution to the society.This day was first observed in New York on February 28, 1909 and the present date was suggested by the International Woman’s Conference.This year’s theme is PressForProgress. It is a remainder that despite all progress we have seen in recent years, there is a long way to go for gender equality.In today’s world, this day celebrates the role played by women from all across the globe in shaping the medivial as well as the modern history. This day highlights the role played by women at each and every step in our lives.Women have played an important role in shaping the future of the mankind. They have played their parts at each step with utter most grace and poise.It is said that to uplift an entire nation it is the women of that nation that have to be empowered. Women are blessed to be bestowed with patience, kindness and a genuine love for everyone. History has been a prove that a nation that respects it’s women has seen nothing but a success with its culture.On this wonderful day, Glammint would like to acknowledge all the efforts by women for making this world a better place.Happy International Women’s Day fellow readers!!!Blog Writer: Aishwarya Pillai