HRITHIK ROSHAN has one of the finest and aesthetic physique in bollywood.The handsome actor often called greek god because of his sculpted body and charming looks.
Hrithik is not the only fitness enthusiastic in his family.It appears the whole family has new fitness goals ans seen sweating in gym.Hrithik roshan fitness trainer marika johansson shared workout pics of HRITHIK ROSHAN’S mother and other family members.Check out the fittest family of bollywood:
Hrithik mother pinky roshan doin pushups.
HRITHIK’s father RAKESH ROSHAN and niece SURANIKA doin shoulder workout
PINKY ROSHAN in action
check out more pics and videos below.
The Family is setting new goals for all fitness lovers.Hrithik mother is so amazing at the age of 62 doing all the core exercises and routines.