On Saturday, the internet was flooded with the images of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas engagement ceremony. Everyone took their Instagram account to wish the couple. On 18th August Priyanka Chopra posted a photo on her Instagram account with the caption “Taken.. With all my heart and soul..” as soon as she posted this photo her friends, fan, everyone went crazy. From Ranveer Singh to Rihanna everyone wished this couple. On the same photo, Nick commented “Wow congrats… He’s the luckiest guy in the world. ” Priyanka and Nick formalized their whirlwind romance of three months with a traditional Roka ceremony on Saturday morning. A puja was held at Priyanka’s residence which was attended by only her family and a group of close friends.
On the same day, Priyanka throws the party for her friends which were private as expected. However, thanks to Nick Jonas who not only shared a video where Priyanka danced like no one is watching her but also shared some insight moments like a family pic where Priyanka and his parents are posing for the photo. Parineeti Chopra, Alia Bhatt, Arpita Khan Sharma, Vishal Bharadwaj, Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Mushtaq Shaikh, Mukesh Ambani, Nita Ambani and many more have marked their presence in the party. Priyanka chooses a nude color dress while Nick put up a casual t-shirt paired up with blue jeans. Priyanka’s mother Madhu Chopra wore a white and gold saree, Nick’s mother Denise chose a pink saree and Nick’s father chose a formal suit for the occasion.
There were constant rumors about their relationship since they came together on camera for the first time at Gala meet. Everyone was expecting the good news from that very day and on Saturday all drive crazy after the confirmation done by both the stars. Nick Jonas was part of a band with his brothers Joe and Kevin and got a big following on the Disney Channel through films like Camp Rock. Priyanka Chopra started her career after winning Miss World in 2000. No date has yet been announced for the wedding. Don’t they look adorable together?