Vivekk Mantri is a simple person with a vibrant personality. He went through a fatal accident few years back, absolute bed ridden, but he never bowed to his severe injuries and came out of danger as a Hero. He proved that where there is a will, there is a way.
He is now a renowned Emotional Wellness Coach with many feathers in his cap. He is a Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, Registered and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Memory Trainer and Practicing Astrologer from past 20 years, his list of knowledge or Education is just remarkable.
1. What made you shift your profession from Electronics Engineer to an Emotional Wellness Speaker?
Professionally I was doing perfectly well with my Semiconductor Industry Career in Sales. In Dec 2013, I had to undergo a Major Surgery for my neck, and then it was fixed with no movement happening left or right. Post-Surgery I started working on Mind Power, through various modalities and could get back to my Job in span of 4 months Post Surgery. This gave me a belief, If I can Stand and Come back, I can Do it for others!! I came across few people who were in pain and by using the techniques which I used on myself I could see them getting better, and this inspired me.
I started conducting workshops for people across few cities. This made me realize at point, I should work in this field and add value to the lives of people. Finally I took a call off on my profession of Electronics Engineer and made a new start as Emotional Wellness Coach, a Journey which gives me self-satisfaction by watching people happy.
2. What motivates you to be a Life Coach?
The Smile in the eyes of people, and their satisfaction with the outcomes through my sessions, keep me motivating. I conduct various programs online and offline, both paid and unpaid and If any of my sessions add even 1% of value in their lives, I get immense pleasure.
Out of few, Mend your Heart was a Free Online Program, which helped many of my clients to get an escape from painful memories and anxiety.
3. How do you help people to work on their belief system?
Beliefs are like the software program in your subconscious mind, which runs in the background . Few beliefs which form a hurdle in our growth, no matter which area of life it is, have to be discarded and new belief needs to be imprinted in the mind. No one is ready for anything, until he/she believes that they can acquire it. The state of mind must be “BELIEF”, not just mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds do not inspire faith and belief. Few beliefs are instilled at subconscious level since our childhood, one of the most common belief which parents instill is “ Don’t go outside in Rain, you will fall sick, if you get wet” When a child born, he/she never get this thought, it is we elders, who imprint the thoughts which become beliefs .
There is a certain process, which helps person to re-imprint new belief, by discarding old or wrong beliefs. Various techniques are used in combination. There is always a different approach for different people as no person is same.
4. It is good to know that you are an author too, so What is your book (Put your own Mask)all about and how is it useful for the society ?
“Put your own mask First” is not just merely a book, but is a message itself. Most of you must have travelled in Flights, what message does an Airhostess give? Under any panicky situation, before helping other fellow passengers, put your own mask First. This is the Gist of this Book.
It’s important that we value ourselves, take care of ourselves before we try to help others or even if we wish to add values in others’ lives. Your Existence is important, if you wish to see your family happy.
In this book, we have discussed various techniques which can help common man to overcome problems which seem to be unalterable at times. This book has helped many of the readers to regain their lost confidence, work out on their past painful memories and see a new fresh start in aspects related to health, wealth etc.
5. We even read that you hold a Master degree in NLP. Can you please tell what is NLP and how is it important for every individual?
I hold a Master Practitioners Certificate and same holds true for everyone. It is not just a degree or Diploma in NLP awarded by University. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a way of changing someone’s thoughts and behaviour to help them achieve desired outcomes. Its uses include treatment of phobias and anxiety disorders and improvement of workplace performance or personal happiness. NLP uses perceptual, behavioural and communication techniques to make it easier for people to change their thoughts and actions.
Also for me NLP is just one of the tools, I use in my programs. Whether it is personal coaching, workshops or even Free Seminars. My Overall program is packaged with various modalities, which are meant for overall development of a person.
6. How NLP helps people in making better decisions in life or betterment of life?
NLP decision making strategy is based on important concept called VAK i.e. Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, which are implemented in decision making.
For example, If, I have to buy a car, following process happens:
a) Visual – First l see the car; have a look at its aesthetics etc.
b) Auditory – How does the Engine Sound , is it giving a feeling of the same car which I want to Buy.
c) Kinesthetic – Feeling when I sit inside or feeling which I get while handling steering wheel. Even the texture of the seat cover matters at times.
This is just one of many examples. NLP can be used in every aspect of life to make better decisions no matter if it’s a Job or health or Wealth or Relationships. And I work on all the factors in my workshops, sessions and personal coaching in my Wellness Package.
7. Being a NLP Master Practitioner, what are the challenges you faced?
Challenges come with hidden opportunities, blessing in disguise. Every person has different emotions and different programs in their subconscious mind in form of their beliefs. Helping a person to make them understand their limiting beliefs and helping them to overcome those beliefs is the biggest challenge and once this is done, therapy works fine. Let’s take an example; if a person needs to lose weight and for not losing it, he/she has few beliefs like, I can’t lose weight because everyone in my family is obese. All these thoughts are just limiting beliefs.
Once these limiting beliefs are jotted down, and the coaching program started, there are some of my clients who lost 5-7kgs in just a month with Coaching Program.
8. How your Practice of NLP helps patients during their treatments?
As mentioned above, My Emotional Wellness program incorporate various modalities in combination or depending upon the clients or patients. I have been using NLP, Reiki, Aromatherapy, Astrology and also Numerology at times. For example, I have been using Numerology along with NLP patterns in building up the confidence of a person and making his/her belief system strong and it helps them to see better health and relationships. I use Astrology to understand spiritual angle of a person and tweaking few things have generated results for them. I have a Kidney patient, whose creatinine level had reached around 12.5, with the help of my Emotional Wellness workshops, we helped that person to change his/her entire belief system and bring down his creatinine level to 4.5, which was one of the biggest success.
My online Coaching Programs, Live Workshops and Seminars have created remarkable difference in the lives of people. These are all on records in form of video testimonials on my You-tube channel and Facebook page.
9. How do you read and train minds?
There are various ways to read human mind, as reading Human Mind is always a mystery under the table. We use various techniques to understand the Brain pattern or say circuits inside brain. Once we understand, we start working on reconnecting those missing dots to complete the circuit. Reframing belief system is a key point in Training mind. Mind has an amazing power to wander in fraction of seconds, so it is important to train it, and enable people to achieve desired outcome.
10. What are the benefits people get from your sessions?
The Quality of communication defines the quality of your life, this is the key takeaway from my sessions. I enable people to understand their internal and external communication. This helps them to see the results immediately like quick and fast relief from anxiety and pain{ Chronic-Physical}, getting rid of past painful memories without even revealing them, how to change perceptions and make beliefs stronger, eliminate fear and phobiasand many more. These things can actually help a person to see amazing outcomes. You can reach out to me on the below mentioned contact details.
11. What achievements have you come across in your career till now?
My Biggest Achievements are the value I add to the lives of my clients, Smile that I see on the face of them and their families. My Achievement is when I see the family members of clients speaking, who had not seen each other’s face for long time. One of my Biggest Achievements was when an Army Officer was relieved completely from his 20 years old Chronic pain. His own video testimonial has a record in my YouTube channel. Then, training MD Surgeons on Emotional Wellness was also a major step towards my achievements. The list is bit long. At the end, a smile on my client’s or patient’s face is my everyday achievement.
12. What message you want to convey to the readers?
Put your Own Mask First and create a difference. Unless we value ourselves, we can’t think of doing things differently, and unless we don’t do the things differently, we can’t see the difference in the outcomes. To achieve any outcome, first the question ‘Why’ has to be defined. Not a single ‘why’ but multiple ‘whys’, as example, “Why” you want to attain that particular outcome and then the answer of all the ‘whys’ will work out for ‘How’.
Contact Details:
Phone Number: 8551099009