There are many people who often asks the life Coach Mr Sunil Anand that as per his experience he may have come across many people who are of Female Gender, irrespective of their Age Group – “How does one get attracted to them or make them get attracted towards oneself”. His answer is very clear, “Follow the below given rules and you may stand a winner” –

- Do not be pretentious
- Act / Behave Normal
- Do not use Flowery Language – Even if you do not know English – Use Hindi
- Shake Hands in the first meeting to exude confidence but apply a subtle pressure
- Try Being Flirtatious: Your Body Language should exude Confidence and you should be Positive in your Approach. A gentle Touch, A cute Smile, A nudge here and there would do No Harm
- Get the other person Laughing to keep the Conversation Light
- Practice speaking with Seductive Tone to appear more desirable – Don’t use Nasal or Squeaky tone. This is not difficult, practice this at home with humming sound from your stomach. Sit straight and touch your stomach and humm aloud till you feel the resonance by your hand lying on your stomach.
- Give a genuine Compliment to endear the other person to you
- Practice using good dental hygiene and mouth odor
- Looking and Feeling BEST from Inside matters a lot
- Watch out for your Skin Bridge between the Thumb and the Prime Finger, nourish that regularly – There should be no cracks or blemishes.
- Adopt a daily skincare routine for that Healthy Glow
- Always wear a SMILE to appear more Attractive
- Manage your Stress Level to appear more Relaxed and Approachable
- Wear clothes that make you feel GOOD about Yourself
- Girls especially – Do not use Over Make up or undertones + use light Lip Color with a puff of Rosie on your Cheeks.
- Wear a Light Perfume
- Do not wear Tights to Show Off. Remember it’s basically a Show Down
- Girls should not wear high heels or heels which create Sound
- Walk straight but relaxed and if you have good hair, a Pony tail would do or better still leave them Open so that you could caress them as and when required
- Be comfortable with Being Alone so as to appear Confident
- Be polite, assertive, crack jokes or inadvertently enjoy or participate in a Funny Incidence
- Always remember ‘A Good Sense of Humor’ always attracts Opposite Sex
- You should always try and make your Partner feel special by showing Her/ Him Attention
- Build Up your Relationship Slowly
- Give each other Genuine Compliments to the person who Interest YOU
- Stay Calm and respect each other’s Feelings if there is a big ‘NO’
- Talk to each other – Be Interactive and get to know each other – Remember this is not an Interview- its Human Behavior

These are some of the factors which if abided by can make you get the Girl / Boy of your Dreams. There is NO Rocket Science to Attract Opposite Sex or Get Attracted but in order to have a Meaningful Relationship, it’s better to imbibe these attributes which will give you confidence to have a pocketful of Opportunities. “HAPPY DATING”
-SUNIL ANAND- Life Coach