Ouch! Yes. It is astonishing to see that psychology is going out of sight from people’s mind already. I am talking about nothing else but the new app which allows you to ‘rent’ a boyfriend in order to cure ‘depression’. Amazing! Mental illness in a country like India has always considered to be stereotype. And now with some pristine ideas people are bringing in the concept of renting a boyfriend to cure this disorder.

The idea behind the app is to come up with a partner in order to cure depression. Kaushal says “there won’t be any sexual relations or private meetings.” This app is his an outcome of his brain storming ideas. Since he was suffering from depression, he thought of introducing an app to cure the illness.
Accordingly, people can call celebrities and common people to converse about what they are going through on a toll free number. The range would differ depending on who the person is. Sigh! Giving details about men in display on RABF website, Prakash said,
Image Source: Google
“You can rent a celebrity for Rs 3,000, or a model for up to Rs 2,000, or an aam aadmi (commoner) for just Rs 300-400 per hour. The website works strictly on a commission basis, giving 70 per cent of the earning to the boyfriends.”
Considering the question of professionals and students who are pursuing psychology, they now seem to be out dated. It is reported in times of India, that Kaushal addresses the question of going to a psychiatrist by responding “people in India have this log kya kahenge wala attitude”.

Well! I don’t know where the country is heading towards with such ideas but will surely suggest not to rely on such apps. If suffering kindly go for a medical treatment rather than depending on such means. Also, please read well before having views on such things. Mental health is not something to be looked down on. Help in removing the stigma.
Times of India, (2018).
India Times, (2018).